
Collections API delivers estimated monthly unit sales volumes for any ASIN or bestseller rank. Get automated sales estimations at scale across multiple Amazon domains.

Collections help you schedule Requests for running en masse. You could add equal to 15,000 Requests (Request is just a call of a Products Data API) for every Collection (100 for every Collection if utilizing include_html=true requests parameter) as well as you could have equal to 10,000 Collections for your account one time.

Collections could be scheduled for running daily, monthly, weekly, hourly or running manually on-demand as well as you could find Result Sets in JSON Lines, JSON, or CSV formats. Acuvirt API could also known as a webhook on a side whenever Collections complete.

The Acuvirt API Collection API helps you create, update as well as delete Collections. You could also utilize Collections API for adding Requests to the Collection as well as reclaim Result Sets.

The Dashboard of Acuvirt API also offers a visual editor as well as is a wonderful way of getting familiar with main concepts in the Collections before making them programmatically using Collections API.

Collection Terms

To assist you in getting started, let’s understand some terminologies you'll come through while interacting with the Collections on Acuvirt API:


You can get 10,000 Collections live in your account at any given time. A Collection grips (equal to 15,000) Requests. The Collection could have a schedule as well as could be set for starting manually or automatically. Whenever a Collection gets started, the Requests are going through an Acuvirt Products Data API as well as a Results Set is produced. Collections could notify you while any newer Result Set is accessible through email. Acuvirt API would automatically delete the Collections, which haven’t been run for last 2 months.

In case, you start different Collections they get queued as well as processed successively. For controlling the processing order, you could assign every Collection like a priority. High priority Collections get started before low priority ones. Find out more about different priorities.


A Collection could have equal to 15,000 Requests (100 while adding requests using include_html=true). The Request is just a collection of different parameters associated to the individual requests to a Products Data API.

Result Set

While Collections get completed (when all the Requests are evaluated) one Result Set is produced. You could utilize a Collections API to get Result Sets as well as consume them in your app. Acuvirt API holds Result Sets for 14 days therefore you need to download Result Sets data in the 14 days window.

Acuvirt API offers API's to get Result Sets in CSV and JSON formats.

Next Steps
Making Collections
Adding Requests to This Collection
List Result Sets

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